Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday Night Group Time

What did God teach you today?
Something Funny:
Mikey: DJ got out of his chair at crafts at told Ricky “I don’t even play with little kids.” – funny part of that is that DJ is about the size of a 1st grader…he’s so sweet.
Carson: While singing “Walk in the light of Jesus” one of the kids as me if he could “run” in the light of Jesus.
Rachel: I enjoyed being called a 30 year old.
Katie: Our kids wrote questions to us during group time and one of the kids wrote, “Dear Ms. Katie, How old are you and do you have a boyfriend?”

Favorite Part of the Day:
Shalee: Watching Kevin do “round up” song today.
Rachel: Watching Kyle dance and sing after I asked him to lead out during the song time. He has not participated up until that point.
Hannah and Katie: Our group time was really good today…they were really focused. We let them ask questions on a notecard and they had some great ones. Plus during craft time they really paid attention.
Rocky and Christi: Gym time today was a lot of fun…the kids really participated and had fun.
Carson: The three girls that I have been praying for step forward and participated in the songs today.

Something God taught you today:
Hannah: God showed me that we don’t have to be doing something crazy to connect to the kids…it doesn’t have to be a big show.
Rachel: How many times we take things for granted…when one of my kids said his dad was in jail…most of us don’t have those kind of issues.
Mikey: Hearing the kids answer Mrs. Massie when she asked them what they hear at night…gunshots, ambulances, fireworks, trains…just really got to me.
Mary: Listening to my kids talk about their lives and what they go through…and how they don’t follow authority. Who knows how long they have on this earth with their situations…it just really hurt me.
Chris: I really like watching God work through you guys…being able to pick at each other and be fluid with each other…but seeing you unite and have that common bond in Jesus is really good. God is doing incredible things through you and with you this week.


Kara said...

The Lord is moving mightily there in Chicago! We have no idea how bad these children really have it, until you hear the stories. Breaks my heart! I am praying for safety for your trip to the beach (Ps. 91)!

In Christ, Kara Shriver-Prov. 3:5-6

PS. Christi, I saw the girls at the pool party tonight, they were having a lot of fun! Also, met your sitter, she is so sweet.

Kristie Johnson said...

Rocky - you are so awesome...seriously. I've enjoyed watching you hang out with the kids and play around with them. After almost 16 years of marriage you still make me smile and laugh alot. You're the BESTEST husband ever!! I love you, kj